Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You lead, I'll follow.

Everyday, while walking my rounds in the park, I come across them, and everyday I think about writing about them. Seeing their faces filled with joy and gratification, that finally someone has taken up the initiative to come forward and not only, train them for the tougher times but also, do it in a jolly and playful form.

I see, an old man, bringing together a bunch of under privileged children, of all ages, playing games with them, making them perform various exercises, and that too in discipline, making them use their time fruitfully. And not only, playing games but also, making them study in groups and teaching them, and ending everything with, our National Anthem, everyday.

This is something I really, look up to with great respect. If an old man can, so can we, the young guns!

Thinking of shooting and clicking a few photos of them. Will upload it too, shortly.

I think that's what is called selfless work, work without any selfishness. He, surely, deserves a JAI HIND!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Beyond "I"

I had been wanting to write a post on this for months, but was either too lazy or too busy (although I think the former) to finally place down my thoughts together.

I read an article about 2 months back, in the Times Life newspaper, which helped to leave a mark on my thoughts to this extent, that I have not only been wanting to write about this topic, but also finally gathered to write it, out of my do - nothingness.

How many of us have actually took a moment to think, how many times do we use the word I daily, infact in every sentence possible. Are we all so self - centered that all we can think about is Me, My, Myself? Trying to fit in ourself, linking it to our life, our job, and what not, in everything that we come across.

If someone's work is run down, or someone experiences failure, then we don't hesitate to include I told you this would happen, instead of giving support which was required. If someone is just sharing their experience, then we can't help it but again talk about ourselves by I have done this too, infact a long time ago. And there are millions of examples which we continue to get with the every sentence that we speak.

The other day I was reading an article by my close friend, (I know you might thinking what's the point in mentioning close here, and making the writing kinda personal, but you'll know why.) about the career plans (or I should say his career plans), that we decided together, with together I mean in all aspects, and in no condition could choose one in which didn't fulfill it, and all I could read were "I"s and more of "I"s, and the "Me"s, "My"s, and "Myself"s to top it. Although, I know its nothing but human nature, we can't help but write in single tense, for only ourselves but sometimes, some "We"s are required.

Sometimes, a look Beyond I is required.

And I know, my usage for "I"s too reaches peaks, but it's never late to start pondering upon what, and how we speak it. (If nothing, it might bring a smile to someone's face by the feeling that someone genuinely thinks of their welfare too.)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Single In The City

Have been trying to read Single In The City for over months now, and still have only managed to reach half way! I had thought, the day I brought it, I'll write a post on it. But, maybe my reading pace, (only for this book!) have slowed down to an extent I could never imagine or maybe I've not been able to connect much with it (because of my laziness), though with the title, I thought, it was just for me.
Single In The City reaches out to every individual living in a metropolitan, be it single or with family, trying to bring out their individuality infront of the world. (with the effects of being THE SMARTER ONE ofcourse!)

Living in Delhi, we all have to prove ourselves in the smarter lot, because as the Charles Darwin's theory says "Survival Of The Fittest", i.e, survives the one, who is worth for. Though, if getting into the details of Survival of the fittest, which, I remember, I studied in class 8, was used as a synonym for natural selection. (A biological term, which I really don't remember about!)

Well, so basically it is a journey of boldness, a journey from being dependent to the one with responsibilities, our independence! (for which we surely have to prove ourselves.)

So, put a foot forward, choose the path and get on the journey!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The blind eyes feel too..

When I was 13, I ended up writing a piece titled 'The blind eyes feel too..', not knowing why actually I had written it.
Maybe we get the answers as the time passes!

My friends have always said,
"See, how lovely look those roses red
And those violets there that are so blue."
But I don't understand, can this be true?
I just have no clue
All that I see around is black, so it's said,
Hey! Then what about white, green, grey and red?
How good is it to be dull or really bright?
And I just wonder sometimes
What I really look like.
Oh! Don't tell me - not you - not anybody
I just don't want to feel or know it
I want to actually SEE it.
Yes, I'll love life, God, I'll work hard too
And never will ask for anything new
I'll be good and content with things few
But - only if you make a promise - just one
And also keep it right.
Give me this same life - but only
With some sight - a little light - please,
Give me a little light - the gift of sight.

Now, after being a writer for a little blind boy in an exam, I could here every word of this poem in my ears again, understanding what it feels and why I wrote it.

When he looks up to me, saying, "Didi, I really want to study alot, but my problem comes in the way alot of times. All I wish for is that I'd be able to see someday."
Feeling helpless at this and not knowing what to say to such innocence, I could only say, "You will!"
But, even he could sense how much reality my answer had yet, with a smile he continues to hope.

After this experience I could really feel the meaning of every word of this poem, with great depths!
Indeed, The Blind Eyes Feel Too..

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Are we all "be negative"?

Well, I'm just speaking for myself here but I find it's always easier for me to be negative than to be positive all the time.  I'll be reciting some affirmations and then just end up saying "Damnit! My life sucks, my career will suck, my hair sucks blah blah, so much easier".

Complaining all the time just seems so much easier, though we know it doesn't help much. Then what still makes us complain about everything we come across all the time? I think its the approach towards life that matters.
Looking at every failure of ours, as a lesson and not just crying on it all the time, trying to find its positive side.

The other day, I was just talking to my old friend, and I realised that all I could talk about was how screwed up my life was. Crying about everything called LIFE and wanting to end it. 
Be it any occasion, we can't wait to start bashing something - the Government, the Games, corruption..or if we don't get anything, then even the weather. It seems as if GOOD is BORING and BAD is EXCITING!!
We all have the picture that good news is soft..and therefore, the principle of "IF IT BLEADS, IT LEADS" reigns. But what is the reason behind such thinking? Do we ever think about that? No!
The reason is..criticising the things, their negativities, bring better crowd and more gossips! And crying gathers sympathy. So, all in the name of popularity? But, where did we learn all this from? It is from all forms of media! You open up your TV set and all you can find is news flashing about murders, rapes and all negativies, the same is the case with newspapers. Yes, making people aware is necessary but, that doesn't mean thats all they have to come across all the time, does it?
And now the new trend, even the social networking sites! You open facebook, and all you can see is people and their negative thoughts in the form of their statuses, their comments etc. that how hell their life is.
But, do we ever realise that our life is much better than millions of people having even worse problems and still wanting to live, just for the ones they care! 
So, by the end of my discussion with my friend, I realised that there is LOVE everywhere, we just have to open ourselves and feel it! We, surely, will get a reason to appreciate our lives and be positive, then. Be it love for our families, our careers and it goes on.

In the end, we just have to remember, the negatives around you will always try to overpower but, its completely on you, if you let it to. 
Remember, "ONLY IF YOU LET IT"!!!