Sunday, October 17, 2010

The blind eyes feel too..

When I was 13, I ended up writing a piece titled 'The blind eyes feel too..', not knowing why actually I had written it.
Maybe we get the answers as the time passes!

My friends have always said,
"See, how lovely look those roses red
And those violets there that are so blue."
But I don't understand, can this be true?
I just have no clue
All that I see around is black, so it's said,
Hey! Then what about white, green, grey and red?
How good is it to be dull or really bright?
And I just wonder sometimes
What I really look like.
Oh! Don't tell me - not you - not anybody
I just don't want to feel or know it
I want to actually SEE it.
Yes, I'll love life, God, I'll work hard too
And never will ask for anything new
I'll be good and content with things few
But - only if you make a promise - just one
And also keep it right.
Give me this same life - but only
With some sight - a little light - please,
Give me a little light - the gift of sight.

Now, after being a writer for a little blind boy in an exam, I could here every word of this poem in my ears again, understanding what it feels and why I wrote it.

When he looks up to me, saying, "Didi, I really want to study alot, but my problem comes in the way alot of times. All I wish for is that I'd be able to see someday."
Feeling helpless at this and not knowing what to say to such innocence, I could only say, "You will!"
But, even he could sense how much reality my answer had yet, with a smile he continues to hope.

After this experience I could really feel the meaning of every word of this poem, with great depths!
Indeed, The Blind Eyes Feel Too..