Friday, April 1, 2011

Beyond "I"

I had been wanting to write a post on this for months, but was either too lazy or too busy (although I think the former) to finally place down my thoughts together.

I read an article about 2 months back, in the Times Life newspaper, which helped to leave a mark on my thoughts to this extent, that I have not only been wanting to write about this topic, but also finally gathered to write it, out of my do - nothingness.

How many of us have actually took a moment to think, how many times do we use the word I daily, infact in every sentence possible. Are we all so self - centered that all we can think about is Me, My, Myself? Trying to fit in ourself, linking it to our life, our job, and what not, in everything that we come across.

If someone's work is run down, or someone experiences failure, then we don't hesitate to include I told you this would happen, instead of giving support which was required. If someone is just sharing their experience, then we can't help it but again talk about ourselves by I have done this too, infact a long time ago. And there are millions of examples which we continue to get with the every sentence that we speak.

The other day I was reading an article by my close friend, (I know you might thinking what's the point in mentioning close here, and making the writing kinda personal, but you'll know why.) about the career plans (or I should say his career plans), that we decided together, with together I mean in all aspects, and in no condition could choose one in which didn't fulfill it, and all I could read were "I"s and more of "I"s, and the "Me"s, "My"s, and "Myself"s to top it. Although, I know its nothing but human nature, we can't help but write in single tense, for only ourselves but sometimes, some "We"s are required.

Sometimes, a look Beyond I is required.

And I know, my usage for "I"s too reaches peaks, but it's never late to start pondering upon what, and how we speak it. (If nothing, it might bring a smile to someone's face by the feeling that someone genuinely thinks of their welfare too.)

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